Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Pressing the re-set button

Apologies to for all not being able to Skype with you all last Sunday. I had to attend some training that fits around my freelance teaching work, and therefore it was necessary to go. There was some really useful stuff to learn and also things to notice as a tutor which I attribute to where I am placed at this stage of my learning and research project. Its interesting to see how much my noticing called upon the styles and practices especially around engaging young people and their learning practice through the medium of dance. My research in a nutshell is going to look at how a modern dance training and practice that I had experience as a young person and dancer (which became the catalyst for my subsequent career in dance to date) is relevant to the life choices, experiences and aspirations of young people today. Is what I teach young people fit for purpose? It was good to experience and absorb the type of learning on offer as it flagged up some questions about my own practice as a teacher and how I engage with my students when teaching. Whilst in the training session my thoughts turned towards fellow MAPPers pondering and reflecting on their journeys so far and how you all including myself begin to approach and start the next phase of our modules after concluding the previous ones with some much needed time to breath. For me I had to hit the re-start button. My journey stalled during the third module and I had to live with the impact of a decision to pause which, on reflection was a good move to refocus and galvanise, re-assess, re-read and in some cases not read at all to allow the flow of my thoughts to guide me to where I needed to be. It was a choppy and uncomfortable process admittedly and for a long while wondered whether I had the confidence and strength to re-boot and resume from the place where I stalled and overcome the notion of being left behind. I begun to question my learning and revisit some areas of my AOLs back in Module 1 plus vulnerable moments that triggered old fears and patterns . Pausing was in hindsight a great idea. I noticed that my reading had changed too and that what I had planned in my critical review to support my research project no longer had currency and didn't feel right for what it is I want to find out. As is my pattern in most things when the going gets tough I have to walk away and come back to it with a new, different and open perspective. This happened recently with one piece of critical review which looked at my research from an Africanist standpoint especially around the area of philosophy particularly reflecting on the writings of the late Esiaba Irobi (2006)where he talked about the " philosophy of the body as a site of transendant discourses, and used to regulate thought and feeling and ideas of identity within their cultures.." Cultures in this context Irobi reffered to include cultures that traversed from the diaspora of Africa across to Brazil, Latin America, the caribbean, the USA and United Kingdom. Attending and being present at the oral presentations in January of my cohort was a great way for me to re-set my thinking and feeling about my research project. It was a great opportunity for me to get to know and experience my fellow Mappers research and learn how they arrived at and tease out what it is they discovered. It was fascinating as links and references which they highlighted connected with me and gave me the much needed courage to re-set and revive. I finish this post with a quote yet again from Esiaba Irobi which encapsulates my thoughts, feelings about my philosophical stance and much needed pause to refresh my thinking as I embark on Module 3: "...I will highlight how the body itself, in African and African diasporic cultures, functions as a somatogenic instrument as well as a site of multiple discourses which absorbs and replays, like music recorded on vinyl, epistemologies of faith and power grooved into it by history. An Igbo proverb states that when we dance we express who we were, who we are, and who want to be. Time is compressed and telescoped telelogically to contain and express the past, the present and the future in one fluid kinaesthetic moment." Irobi, Esiaba (2006) Philosophy of the Sea


  1. I love this last quote Hopal, and a great blog, thanks for sharing, and really pleased to hear the re-start, review and reflection all kicking in for you. Let's arrange a skype call for this week? I'll email you possible times now..

  2. Hi Hopal, I love your positivity throughout your blog. As a module 2 struggling in the sense of how to organise my brain, learn words and theories that quite frankly confuse me, it is encouraging to read how collected, on top of it all and composed you seem to be. I'm very interested in your research project, it seems close in value to what I think I may do in terms of looking at the education and training of dance and musical theatre students. However, it's early days and I may well change my mind as the proposal hopefully starts to take shape. I look forward to speaking with you during our next Skype session and look forward to reading further blogs.

  3. Hi Hopal
    Great quote and resonates so much with Dewey in terms of the Handbooks. How we understand the body as being located in time/space could be seen as a cultural act. I was recently at a conference on Dance of the African Diaspora and we recognised the ancestors in order to open the conference. There is defiantly a sense of the 'individual' being a part of a larger moment that is the bringing together in the body of the past (they carry both culturally and genealogically), the present sensation of 'now' and the anticipation of what is to come that ripples through the sensing body as it perceives and makes meaning. Of course then when we dance with that instrument (the body) that brings this layering of time to our attention we dance with more than muscle and bone. If you come from this Africanist perspective how do you deal with the constructs and rhetoric of a dance studio? An environment that can often be influenced by the tendency of Western philosophy towards a disembodied separation, that so often locates the body only in terms of how it impacts the mind. In that paradigm the body as a site of 'multiple discourse' is hard to perceive of. Does this lead to students feeling they are being asked to do more than embrace a technique, they are also being asked to take on an ontological construct, away of being as well.

  4. As always I love your blogs Hopal. I agree with Amanda you write beautifully and so clearly. I Look forward to speaking at the next Skype.
